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Published by: Ta’limi Board KZN

When Allah Ta’ala wishes well for someone he puts them through some difficulty in this world. This is so that He will reward them handsomely in the hereafter. These are the great words of Rasulullah (ﷺ). The short, temporary life of this world is indeed a great test for mankind. In the Holy Quran Allah Ta’ala has promised to test us throughout our lives by taking away that which is most beloved to us. All the Ambiyaa (alaihimus salaam) were tested in this way.

Rasulullah (ﷺ) lost his beloved wife Khadija (radiya allahu anha) as well as his three sons and three of his daughters during his lifetime. Such was the difficulty and hardship experienced by the greatest of all mankind.

In the face of such difficulties and hardships we should persevere and remain steadfast. The greatest of all tests is losing a life. This is indeed a trying time for any human being. However one has to keep reminding oneself that the life of this world is only temporary and the real and eternal life is the life of the hereafter. Our real home is Jannah. In a short time we will all return to Allah Ta’ala where He will re-unite us with out beloved ones, Insha Allah.

It is hoped that by practising on the prophetic prescriptions found in this booklet, one will Insha Allah find great solace and comfort for one’s ailing heart.

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